Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Turning Junk into White Gold

Got this old solid wood cabinet delivered to me off Craigslist for $35 (including delivery charge.) It came from an uber paranoid couple who were frantically leaving Toronto to escape the inevitable plague that would be H1N1. They left for a safe place they wished not to divulge. For some reason I picture the witch's house in Hansel and Gretel in the middle of a deep forest. But back to my story. A fresh coat of white paint makes almost anything look sparkly and new. Because this cabinet had vintage bones it still comes across as second hand, but now in a Queen West art gallery sort of way.

Sand paper, bonding primer, semi-gloss white acrylic and two hours of elbow grease.


  1. here's to hoping these cool legs hold up! There are a lot of DVDs in there, poor little things.
